Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SPM TRIAL paper got back..


got back my test paper result ad..

dunno what to comment about it..

but many friends speechless when i told them..haha..

before holiday got back my maths

then monday got back BM,SEJARAH..

maths : 96 A1
BM : 70 ngam ngam A2
SEJ : oso 70 ngam ngam A2

tuesday got back Add maths..

i stil got another 2marks to get A2,get 69,i & aaron pin both get 69..

so both of us keep on searching for d 2marks..hahahah..,u vy funny lo,keep on begging teacher and say that teacher i will gai guo de..lolx..

cute la you..haha..luckily both of us found 2marks,and get A2..yeah!!...haha...

so far now got 1 A1,3 A2 & 1B4.. chinese really jialat..get oni 57...really nid to improve it..

2molo got PJ...weehoo!!!...

~miss you,*S*..~

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