yesterday went for friday class chemistry ttn...
and it was d last day at there ttn...
Mr.Yew, thanks for educating us chemistry..
although to me chemistry is a quite hard subject to understand..^^
and before v went back,v took some photo wid Mr.Yew..
wil upload soon...
hmm...afterthat v went for satay celup s v had plan it earlier..hehe..
n guess what...outside was raining heavily...haha..
and when v wanted to cross over d road...
alots of funny scene happen...LOL...
v laugh n laugh...
d road was flooded...
and it was so cold..
but at last v shout 1 2 3...chiong lo..
OUR LEG like tie wid 1kg of stone,hard to pull up..
so v run...but can say is stil walk,d water splash here splash there..hahahaa..
v are damn lucky,stil got about 3tables empty...
so v take one of it..
and then v realize chwee was not wid us,he is stil opposite..
d most funniest part...
when he cross til halfway,he cant pull his leg up..
and then when he manage to pull up..
his slippers drop out and float on d flooded
capitol satay celup damn zhun!!..nice sial..
and its kuah is not like others ad prepared wan,it mz mix wid dunno wat tong tong...
and there was special dish,ABALONE & MEDIUM fav...
another part is...
v saw 2 leng luis...
hahaha...damn chio...
but don dare to take no from them coz their parents was
v ate almost 1hour plus then go bac lo...hee~
hope there is stil chance to eat sataty celup 2gather again...
**info: there wil b blessing for students who are sitting for SPM/STPM at SKE under BUDDHI TREE at 11am..those interested can go....sadhu!..
~miss someone~aLvis
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
dinner at yi tang
watched Tsunami at haundae...
d movie was so pity...
a girl tat oni 4-5years old hav to live without her parents anymore after d tsunami...
a vy touched movie..tears almost drop out.haha...
aftertat decide where to go..
amigo??...windmill??...yi tang??...
was thinking of trying restaurant tat nvr went b4..
so went to yi tang..
is a steamboat restaurant..
quite special...hmmm...aftertat went to seaside...
alots ppl were there..then got ppl singing song...haha..
12.30 like tat reached home...thx yeh ruenn for treating me...
another day has past...
-a nice dinner i had-aLvis
Thursday, October 8, 2009
mood = 0%
2day really 0% happy..
got my acc result..
8subs get A,1 sub get B..
and d oni 1 get E8 is acc...
i really regret for taking acc..
dunno wanna show what kind of face expression..
has been sad since i get d result..
until i dunno wanna do appetite at all..
recess ate 3small buns..
nvr talk wid my friends in class..unlike d normal of me..
suddenly sumthing pass through my you!!..
suddenly miss you..n wanted to meet you..
y...i cant deny this feeling at all..
wanna ignore it..but my mind jz keep on thinking of you..
what the hell..
I had fall for you for a long time..
no where i can express my feeling except here..
i need you...
**2day ah xiang check out from hospital ad,hope he will recover soon..
-i need you-aLvis
Monday, October 5, 2009
izit true bout my personality??
天秤座 優雅的天平在燈紅酒綠中微笑轉身,顧盼神采,灑脫如同水中的魚。他們與紅酒,水晶杯,晚禮服,鋼琴曲是那麼的相得益彰,漫不經意的吸引著公眾的眼光…… 幾乎所有人都有這樣一種印象: 天平座的人善意、可親,愛交朋友。於是大家也由此認為天平是群居生物,必然是害怕獨處,喜歡熱鬧的。但,事實並不是表面看來那樣簡單。 的確,天平是個和平使者。在公眾場合可以很好地調節氣氛使之均衡。氣氛熱烈時,他們會沉靜的壓住陣腳;氣氛冷凝時,他們會運用不著痕跡的輕鬆幽默化解堅冰。總之他們不會隨波逐流去助長氣氛的冷熱,而是像用天平稱量物品一樣,加減砝碼,使之維持水平狀態。 而他們在做這種加減的時候,動作是優雅的,態度是和悅的,看起來漫不經心不動聲色。實際上,他們是很有心計的人,儘管眾口難調,也可以找到一種萬全的方式來使全局和諧起來。 但是這並不是說他們喜歡主宰,只是因為他們看不得失衡,那會使他們如坐針氈。 因此,儘管慵懶的天平座討厭麻煩,討厭得要命,他們還是會不由自主地擔負起調節的責任。也許正因如此,使得天平在公眾場合從未放鬆過自己。性格使他們承擔了不必要的責任,無可推卸。 他們不吝惜金錢,卻吝惜自由的時間和安靜的休閒時光。像所有風向星座一樣,他們喜歡自由,喜歡像風一樣誰也捉不住他。 他們喜歡自在獨立的空間。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他並不喜歡如此,儘管他不會直接說出來。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也許半年也沒有音信,但是只要一見面,你還是他最好的朋友。因為他就是這種交友方式,你拿他怎麼辦? "我懶得……" 這是天平座的口頭語。他們懶得出門,懶得聚會,懶得應酬……所以他們並不是很喜歡參加party。倒是寧願呆在家裡上網,看書,畫畫。他們自身是均衡的,一個人的均衡總比一群人的均衡來的容易。所以他們喜歡獨處。 通常,天平座的人會給人一見如故的感覺,因為他們有著溫婉的微笑和優雅的舉止。對初次見面的人,天平座往往表現出自己最討人喜歡的一面:善解人意,大方,誠懇,健談。但是這種熱情勁兒不會長久。冷漠何時到來取決於你與他交往的頻率。你越是粘得緊,他就冷得越快。因為他們喜歡"君子之交清淡如水"。不是他們不喜歡同伴,而是他們和人交往更多地關注了對方的情緒,總想著照顧對方心情,不要發生衝突,所以感覺像是在工作一樣,無法真正的放鬆。 較之對宮白羊座,天平是另一種獨立的個體。白羊是一種外在的獨立,內心是熱的;天平則是表面看似親和力很強,內心卻是任誰也無法融入的。天平的冷靜,連他們自己也覺得驚訝。"我居然如此冷漠!太不可思議了……"他們審視自己的時候,感覺有點陌生。那是因為他們把內心世界掩飾得連自己都騙過了。 他們控制情緒的能力太強了。最親近的人會感覺到,天平給人不露聲色的隔離感,有時會被埋怨"太冷靜了,我都不知道你在想什麼!" 可是他們不是故意要隱瞞什麼,只是出於本能。一個連自己都騙過了的人,你還能要求他對你坦白什麼? 他們不喜歡歇斯底里,不喜歡痛哭失聲,不喜歡安慰別人也不怎麼喜歡被安慰。因為他們懂得,誰也無法真正理解另一個人。 天平,其實是很獨立的一個星座。他們在霓虹燈影裡微笑,在燈火闌珊處寂寞。他們叫你懂得:孤獨的最高境界是繁華 |
Friday, October 2, 2009
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